The KS4 Economics syllabus develops the content and processes that students need to demonstrate competence in to succeed in GCSE study as well as for A Levels, should they wish to continue with the subject after Year 11.
Students follow the OCR 2017 9-1 specification. They learn about a wide range of macro and microeconomic theory.
They will cover units that develop their understanding of the basic economic problem, supply and demand and a range of markets such as competitive markets and monopolies. Students will learn about the government’s key economic objectives including economic growth, price stability and full employment as well as analysing and evaluating policies used to achieve these aims. Finally students, will explore economics in an international context by studying free trade, the European Union, exchange rates and globalisation.
Economics students will read, analyse and evaluate a range of case studies and data. They will develop their writing skills and will be expected to display good levels of literacy. Students will also need to demonstrate skills in Mathematics.
Next Steps
Students who study Economics can progress to A Level and Degree Economics, as well as Business and Management courses.