In History students study the way that people have developed over time. In KS3 we take a chronological approach to learning and study elements of the British History dating from the Romans to modern day. Students learn to discern between different types of source and to work out which sources of information are more reliable than others.
History is a GCSE option at KS4 and is part of the EBacc.
Pupils follow the Edexcel 2016 9-1 specification. They learn about a wider range of history and consider topics in much greater depth.
They will cover units that develop their understanding of British history as well as the history of the wider world. The new specification requires students to study a thematic paper (Crime and Punishment) as well as British and Modern depth studies. They also learn local history in the context of Whitechapel in the 19th Century.
They communicate their ideas clearly and precisely in a variety of ways which will equip them to study History beyond KS4. They will read, analyse and evaluate a range of sources and interpretations. They will develop their writing skills and will be expected to display strong levels of literacy.
Key Stage 3
Key Stage 4
Next Steps
History leads to A level History and Degree level study. The thinking skills developed in History are useful in many careers, such as working for the Police, in politics or in management.
Road Map