Inclusion Support
The London Enterprise Academy has developed an ethos of accepting all students within the legal entry rules and will address any identified needs such as SEN, BESD, EAL, Disability, More Able Students and particularly those with social difficulties or from deprived homes.
Statemented students will attend the school through the usual process of consultation by the LAs and the school will ensure that statutory provision can be in place before such students attend.
The Academy will investigate each cohort as they arrive to establish if barriers to learning need to be addressed for individual students or identified groups. Close partnerships will be developed with the primaries feeding the school and a baseline assessment will be undertaken on entry. The latter will be for both identification and to quickly establish a means of progress checking.
Our SENDCo has the duty of monitoring the progress of all students with additional needs and it is anticipated that specialised ICT software will be available for this task. This will be additional to the whole-school monitoring. The students on the SEN Register have reviews termly and one of these each year will be a person-centred in order to maximise the ‘student voice’. It is also considered necessary for the more able students to be regularly reviewed to facilitate the communication of their learning needs.
Gifted and Talented
We know that regardless of background, gifts and talent cross boundaries. We recognise the importance of early identification and support for our gifted and talented students and have a robust strategy in place through which we can support them to fulfil their potential.
We will identify gifted and talented students through the transition phase with information from primary schools and early assessment at the beginning of the year. The small scale of the school will allow us to get to know the capabilities of the students early on. All students who enter London Enterprise Academy with three Level 5s at KS2 will be placed automatically on the gifted and talented register.
LEA staff will liaise with parents of gifted and talented students who are underachieving.
Parents will be informed by letter and by normal lines of communication – reports and at parents’ evenings if their sons/daughters have been identified as more able and/or talented.
It is the expectation of LEA that parents/carers of able and talented students – like the parents/carers of all students – will support their children’s learning.
Students with SEN
We understand and will work hard to meet the provisions of the SEN Code of and the DDA. All of our staff will be trained to understand, identify and successfully support students with SEN within our school environment.
Review for SEND students will be regular and timely so that appropriate support can be given.
Students with a disability
We recognise that our disabled students may include hearing-impaired, partially sighted, wheelchair users or those who suffer from specific medical conditions. We are fully committed to ensuring that our disabled students have their needs fully met ensuring that they have every opportunity to participate in the full school life at the same levels as their non-disabled peers.