The Mathematics team are all specialists. We aim that all pupils in our care, whatever their ability, should experience the pleasure of mathematical success. Thus, in LEA we are dedicated to create future mathematicians by enhancing our students’ foundation in mathematics and develop their application, problem solving, research and reasoning skills so that they can become future leaders and contribute towards the global community. The key areas of number and algebra, geometry and measures and probability and statistics are taught to students throughout Key Stage 3. Students extend their knowledge and build onto their prior knowledge each year.
We use investigations and deep learning tasks in our teaching to develop mathematical thinking and problem solving skills. Investigations allow pupils to demonstrate their own creativity in approaching mathematical problems as well as developing their perseverance – a crucial skill for a good mathematician. We also appreciate the need for pupils to practise their examination technique and be able to answer questions under examination conditions. Pupils are assessed at the end of each half term, allowing each pupil to know what level they are working at and what they need to do to improve. Students are given a final assessment at the end of Key Stage 3.
All students study Maths at KS4, it is also an EBacc subject. The students have regular intervention and focus groups outside school learning time. Students are given a regular opportunities to improve their numeracy through their advisory.
Key Stage 3
Key Stage 4
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Maths as a subject leads into many qualifications and jobs. As well as studying Maths at A level and university it is useful in studying the sciences and engineering. Maths GCSE is an essential qualification for many jobs and can give students confidence when working with money.
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