Pupils follow the AQA separate sciences and Combined Science Trilogy. They learn about a wider range of scientific ideas and consider them in greater depth. They explore how technological advances relate to the scientific ideas underpinning them.
They consider the power and limitations of science in addressing industrial, ethical and environmental issues, and how different groups have different views about the role of science.
They communicate their ideas clearly and precisely in a variety of ways and see how scientists work together to develop new ideas. They learn how new theories may, at first, give rise to controversy and how social and cultural contexts may affect the extent to which theories are accepted.
Science is included in the EBacc.
Key Stage 3
Key Stage 4
Next Steps
Science GCSE can lead students on to study individual sciences at A level, as well as supporting subjects like Maths and Engineering. Careers can include working with the environment, engineering roles or medical researcher.
Road Map