THEA Trust

The Tower Hamlets Enterprise Academy Ltd (THEA Trust) is a charitable company limited by guarantee. The object of the Trust is the advancement of education, this object is pursued by running the School.

The School operates in the context of the legal and regulatory environment applicable to Schools, and as a charitable company.

The main governing document setting out the internal rules of the company is the company’s Articles of Association (this is included as item 1 of the Governors Pack). The company has adopted the Department for Education’s model articles for Academies.

The governance arrangements set out in this document reflect how the Trust adopts and implements these rules in practice. In particular, where it has been necessary to exercise judgement in interpreting the Articles of Association (or where there is flexibility) this document details the rationale for a particular interpretation/flexibility that is adopted.

The overarching objective is to implement a governance structure that fits the particular circumstance faced by the School. Another aim is to put in place governance arrangements that are clear, practical and follow best-practice governance for schools.

The school adheres to The Seven Principles of Public Life, more of which can be found on the website here.

More information can be found in the Governors’ Handbook.



THEA Audit Report 2016
Funding Agreement Articles
SEND Report
Why Choose LEA?
How Do I Join?

London Enterprise Academy
Aneurin Bevan House
81-91 Commercial Road
E1 1RD

Telephone: 0207 426 0746


Transport Routes

Bus routes – D3, 15, 40, 115, 135, 25, 205, 254,100

DLR to Shadwell or overground

Underground to Aldgate East or Whitechapel