School Counselling
Social Worker in School
London Enterprise Academy is pleased to say that we have a social worker who is attached to the school. She is based in the school 5 days a week and will provide a variety of support for the school community.
Students may wish to see the social worker for a variety of reasons including but not limited to: concerns about self-esteem, coping skills, stress management skills, peer interactions, anger management, divorce/separation/loss, and social skills.
Students may be referred to the school social worker by parents, teachers, staff, the principal, or self.
All content within sessions is kept confidential with the exception of threats to hurt his/her self or someone else or if the student reports any form abuse. As a mandated reporter, she is required to report disclosures of abuse to the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS).
School Counsellor
We are excited to let you know that we have a school counsellor – Denise Richards. She has been running drop in sessions for our students since the end of September 2020. Students can self-refer, however if you are concerned about your child’s mental wellbeing, please make a referral by asking to speak to MR N Hussain or Ms H Sarpong. Most of our students who have used her services have said that they are offered a warm and friendly space, where they are always welcome. They also know it is a space where they can get help if they feel confused or worried.
Please note that all information discussed is confidential between the counsellor and your child, unless they are planning on hurting themselves, hurting someone else or someone is hurting them.
If you want further information, please feel free to book an appointment to speak with Mr Hussain on 02074260746.