We believe that students who take pride in their personal appearance and in membership of our Academy community are also likely to take pride in their achievements and conduct.
We call this philosophy: “Look Smart, Act Smart, Be Smart.”
Uniform can be purchased in person from: Ocean Designs, 10 Watney Street, Watney Market
Please check the information below and make sure you are buying the correct uniform for your child. Uniform items must be plain, without accessories, logos, decoration or any other colours.
Ocean Design Prices:
Purple/Black Blazers (All sizes) - £34.99
Ties (Purple Striped & Prefect) - £4.99
Purple Jumpers (All sizes) - £19.99
PE Polo Shirt with Logo - £12.99
PE Shorts with Logo - £9.00
Football Socks - £3.99
Tracksuit Top with Logo - £14.99
Tracksuit Bottoms with Logo - £14.99
Shirts, trousers, skirts and shoes can be bought from elsewhere.
All Students
• Purple school blazer with badge (KS3)
• Black school blazer with badge (KS4)
• White shirt
• Black smart trousers (Note: Belts worn must be plain black with no designs/logos)
• School tie
• Plain black shoes
Boys can also wear a plain black hat for religious reasons.
• Purple school blazer with badge (KS3)
• Black school blazer with badge (KS4)
• White shirt or blouse
• Black smart trousers or Plain matte black skirt (full or knee length)
• Plain black tights (no pattern) or navy-blue tights (no pattern) or grey tights (no patterns)
• School tie
• Plain black shoes (flat)
Girls can also wear a plain black head scarf (with no embroidery, print, tassels, or logos) for religious reasons. Any pins used to keep the head scarf in place must have a black head.
Note: Any cap or bandana worn under head scarf must be black only in colour.
Girls can also wear a plain black abaya (with no embroidery, print, tassels, or logos) with a school blazer on top.
• One outdoor coat, dark blue or black to be removed on entry to school. Students are not allowed to wear denim or leather jackets. Hooded tops/coats are not allowed and will be confiscated.
• Dark school bag, large enough to fit A4 books
• Students are not allowed to wear Kickers, Dr Martens, or any form of canvas shoes e.g., Converse, Toms and Vans. Hoodies and hats (other than religious) must not be worn on site.
• Boys are not allowed haircuts shorter than a grade 2
• Girls are not permitted to wear any makeup (including nail varnish, acrylic or gel nails, and false eye lashes).
• Apart from religious items, students are not allowed to wear jewellery except for a wristwatch and a pair of plain silver or gold colour ear studs which must be taken off for PE lessons.
In the first instance of any uniform issues, the school will work with the student and parents to resolve this. However, students without correct uniform will not be allowed to take part in typical activities of LEA life. The following actions will be taken:
• Parent or carers will be asked to bring appropriate uniform immediately, or
• Items of uniform may be loaned to students, if available, or
• The student will work in the reflection room until the uniform is corrected.
• Purple LEA PE Polo shirt
• Plain black tracksuit/jogging bottoms with no designs/logos
• Black leggings can be worn under shorts
If there are uniform issues in PE, the PE department will try to resolve this by working with the student and the family in the first instance. However, students without correct PE kit will not be allowed to take part in PE.