Pupil Premium
What is the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG)?
The pupil premium was introduced by the government in April 2011 to provide additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers. It is provided for children from low income families who have been eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) at any point in the last six years, or who have been in local authority care for more than six months.
What are our aims for the PPG?
Schools are required to spend the money on areas that will directly impact these childrens’ educational attainment and as this money enables the school to make significant improvements in our educational offer, we urge all eligible families to apply by filling in the FSM form available from the school office or from the local authority.
How do we decide how to spend the PPG?
It is for LEA to decide how to spend the PPG in order to raise attainment of disadvantaged pupils. However, in deciding how to use our PPG, we draw upon the following sources:
• Sutton Trust report: “The Pupil Premium: Next Steps”.
• Education Endowment Foundation Teaching and Learning Toolkit.
• Research on disadvantaged pupils and the vocabulary gap.
• Our combined professional experience of what works best.
Specifically the school aims to:
• Ensure that all pupils from vulnerable groups have the opportunity to succeed through additional interventions.
• Provide targeted support to improve the attainment and life chances of disadvantaged pupils.
• Ensure the gap in attainment between FSM and non-FSM students is reduced.